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Main Parts of a Body Drawing

Parts of the Body for Kids: Names & Basic Functions

You know your head, shoulders, knees, and toes, but what are the other important body parts? Each large part of the torso includes smaller body parts, which have different functions. Keep reading to learn body part names and basic functions of the parts of the body.

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Diagram of Body Parts

External, which means "exterior," describes the body parts that you can see. Take a look at a helpful diagram that labels major external body parts. Download the printable PDF to come across information technology in more detail and print if needed.

parts of body worksheet

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Parts of the Head and Cervix

You can't see all the parts of your head without a mirror, considering your eyes are on your head too! Have a look at the external parts of the head, what they do, and where they're located.

Body Office




front of the head

5 senses; communicating emotions


elevation of the head (under hair)

cooling the head with sweat glands in the pare; protecting the skull with extra blood vessels


top of the face, above the eyes

forming facial expressions; protecting the eyes


below the head, above the shoulders

supporting the caput's weight; assuasive the head to turn; sending letters from the encephalon to the rest of the body (vertebrae)


beneath the forehead, above the nose

sense of sight


beneath the olfactory organ

eating; talking; breathing; sense of taste


heart of the face

animate; sense of smell; keeping out strange particles (with nose hairs)


within the rima oris

sense of taste (with sense of taste buds); talking (forming words); swallowing


only above the eye

protecting the optics from foreign particles; enable eyes to close


on the edges of the eyelid

protecting the optics from foreign particles


on either side of the head

sense of hearing; maintaining balance


on meridian of the scalp

regulating trunk temperature; protecting the scalp


top of the mouth (maxilla) and lesser of the mouth (mandible)

chewing; opening and closing the oral fissure; talking


inside the mouth

chewing food to be digested

Parts of the Arms

Each part of your arm has a specific function. Some parts help you bend, and others help you lot experience the sense of touch. And don't forget the part that sets humans apart from most other animals: the opposable thumb!

Body Part




on either side of the torso

performing tasks with motion

upper arm

betwixt shoulders and elbows

flexing the arm; connecting the lower arm to the shoulder


between elbows and wrists

flexing the wrist; connecting the arm to the wrist


joint between the upper arm and torso

connecting the upper arm to the body; assuasive the arm to rotate (range of motion); providing forcefulness to the arm


joint between the upper arm and forearm

connecting the upper arm to the forearm; extending the arm; rotating the lower arm


joint between the forearm and mitt

connecting the forearm to the mitt; rotating the paw


joint between manus basic (carpals) and finger basic (phalanges)

connecting the fingers to the manus; allow fingers to curve and extend


finish of the arm, continued to the wrist

fine motor skills (writing, pinching, gripping)


flat side of hand

helping with grip; sense of touch


end of mitt

helping with grip; sense of touch; gesturing (pointing, hand signals, etc.)


end of finger

protecting blast beds from foreign particles; helping with grip


left or correct side of the hand

helping with grip (opposable; can turn back confronting the other fingers)

Parts of the Legs

It's easy to call back that your legs are just the bottom half of your body, but they're not. This list of body parts divides the legs into unlike sections according to location and function.

Body Part




below torso, above foot

keeping the body stable; walking; running; bending the body


top of leg, above the knee joint

allowing the leg to flex and move; supporting weight of the upper trunk


lower leg, under the articulatio genus

flexing the pes; stabilizing the ankle


joint between the thigh and shin

bending the leg; supporting weight of the upper torso

talocrural joint

articulation betwixt the foot and shin

rotating the human foot; connecting the foot to the leg


bottom of the leg

walking; supporting torso weight; propelling the body forward


stop of the human foot

providing residue while walking; distributing body weight


back of the foot

distributing trunk weight

Parts of the Body

Y'all've heard about "strengthening your core," simply what does it mean? Your core is the middle of your trunk where your arms and legs co-operative off. These are the external parts of your cadre and what they practise for your body.

Trunk Part




middle of the body, between the neck and legs

stabilizing the trunk (posture); protecting internal organs; connecting the limbs (artillery and legs) to the body


top of the trunk

protecting lungs and heart; assisting in arm movement


middle of the trunk

stabilizing the body; protecting internal organs

belly button

middle of the belly

connects a baby's umbilical string to its mother's placenta before birth


back of the torso

stabilizing the body; protecting vertebrae, which send messages to the rest of the trunk


back of the torso, merely above the legs

cushioning the torso when sitting; profitable in hip and thigh motility


middle of trunk

stabilizing the body; allowing the upper body to curve to the lower half


lower sides of body

supporting body weight; helping with walking, sitting, and standing

Body Parts are Pieces in a Puzzle

These external body parts are piece of cake to see on the average person. What's harder to run into are the unlike torso systems working under the skin in each body role. Nerves, muscles, veins, basic – how exercise these body parts keep you going? Read about the different systems in the man torso, made simple for kids.
